Contact Us

At Renex Exploration Company, we’re committed to delivering exceptional and transparent communication. Whether you’re reaching out with a business enquiry or simply have a question about our operations, we’re here to help. You can also find direct contacts for specific departments listed below for more tailored assistance.

Fields with an asterisk(*) indicate a a required input

Area of Enquiry

    Our Headquarters

  • Address
    Renex Exploration Company
    Suite 2500,
    801 – 6th Avenue S.W.
    Calgary, Alberta
    T2P 3W2.
  • Phone
    +1 825 745 5106
  • Email
    [email protected]

Company Contacts

To ensure your inquiry is handled efficiently, we’ve provided direct contacts for our key departments below. Each department at Renex Exploration Company is equipped to provide specialized support and insights into their area of expertise. Please feel free to reach out to the relevant department, and one of our knowledgeable team members will assist you promptly.

General Enquiries

Mr. W. Woodgate

[email protected]


Mrs. L. Porter

[email protected]

Public Affairs

Miss. E. Clinton

[email protected]

Investor Relations

Mr. W. Chamberland

[email protected]

Human Resources

Mrs. H. Valeuet

[email protected]

VEndor Registration

Mr. R Brigham

[email protected]

Pre-IPO Investment Opportunity

With a NYSE Listing on the Horizon, there's no better time to invest in RENEX®

Investor Relations
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